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Our Expertise

  • Geoff Webb

    Chief Instructional Designer

  • Overview

    Mr. Geoff Webb has over 35 years of commercial and technical experience in oil and gas, petrochemical, transport, banking and ICT industries in many countries in the Asia Pacific region.

    Geoff has special skills in process design and improvement, instructional systems design and knowledge management as well as standards of Clear English language and Clear English courses

    He has excellent written communication skills in the business field. This makes his training courses the highest quality, highly fulfilling and informative to participants.

    Over the years, Geoff has designed much sought-after courses for employees in many industries to help them write better using Clear English. These programmes have focused on Clear English in business, customer service, technical, operational and distance communication. Participants have found the method of writing that Geoff has pioneered is easier to learn, faster to apply and gives better results.


  • Special Expertise

    Geoff has exceptional expertise in the following areas:

    • instructional design and competency development
    • business process improvement
    • process mapping
    • supply chain management
    • implementing systems
    • knowledge management and information architecture
    • using technology to enhance training and education
    • distance learning and management
    • document management methodologies
    • courseware development, and
    • project management.
  • Qualifications

    Qualification includes:

    • Mphil (Hons.) in Education (1981) Auckland
    • BSc (Mathematics) (1972) Adelaide
    • Dip.Ed. (1975) Western Australia
    • Dip. Teaching (1979) Auckland.

    He has special training in Criterion Referenced Instruction programme design.


    Professional Background

    Previous professional experience includes work in:

    • Computer operations and systems
    • Teaching from pre-school to university level
    • Computer Based Training and eLearning development
    • Strategic and operational management and consulting in the Asia Pacific region.